Safeto bia

 The Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area (DYBIA) and SafeTO have partnered on a year long pilot project to address the growing challenges of community safety and well-being in BIAs across Toronto

Abstract Shapes featuring a picture of the Toronto Skyline.

Goal of safeto bia

During and post pandemic, a significant increase in issues related to safety and well-being was identified among the business community through initial SafeTO consultations.

To address that change, SafeTO BIA was created to better provide BIAs with resources, processes and improved capacity to better address their unique CS&WB issues in the short and medium term.

To develop more localized support, the SafeTO BIA pilot is meant to engage with BIAs and key stakeholder across city departments to better understand the the issues, and to then explore solutions with participating BIAs.

Ways to engage


BIAs can engage in the pilot in a variety of ways, both passively and actively. If you’d like to participate, please reach out to

  • BIA Advisory Team – Available to any BIA who would like to support shaping the SafeTObia deliverables and project outcomes. Online Sessions start February 7th, 2024 10am – 11am and continue biweekly. 

Past Engagements 

The consultation phase has finished as of October 2023, but please reach out for any other opportunities to engage.

  • SafeTObia SummitDec 6th 2023

  • Information sessions – available for all BIAs, BIA members and stakeholders from July – October 2023
  • One-on-ones or a group discussion – Available for all BIAs and stakeholders from July  – October 2023       

Project Resources

CS&WB Toolkit – a folder with various resources for street safety, key service providers, community audits and other materials to support community safety and well-being initiatives.*Please note this is subject to change, and to be edited periodically. The most updated document can also be found on canva.

Social Service Provider Map
Open source map identifying services and support in the City. Meant to provide more information for BIA’s when managing community safety and well-being concerns.*Please note this is subject to change, and to be edited periodically.

CS&WB Resource Booklet
A working document collecting resources and precedents for community safety and well-being projects. This document is searchable by using key words.*Please note this is subject to change, and to be edited periodically.

SafeTO BIA Survey Results                                                                                        A final document of summarized survey results from ~300 business across the city in the BIA communities.


 Presentations, Data & Project Highlights

SafeTObia Event Presentation - Conference centre with many attendees sitting at tables watching speaker present at SafeTOBIA Conference.
Conference centre with many attendees sitting at tables watching speaker present at SafeTOBIA Conference.


For more information on SafeTO BIA, please contact

Cassandra Alves
Community Safety and Well-being Consultant
SafeTO & Downtown Yonge BIA