On The Street
Downtown Yonge
Downtown Yonge BIA is dedicated to maintaining a safer, cleaner and more vibrant downtown core on behalf of our members. We invite you to come and experience our neighbourhood.
Looking to report an issue?
If you see something on the street that needs attention, there are different ways to report it based on what the issue is.
Clean Streets Team
The Downtown Yonge BIA have a year-round maintenance team to ensure that issues in the public realm are addressed in a timely manner. They wear the bright green uniform.

Graffiti Removal
The BIA makes sure all businesses in the area have access to immediate and effective removal of graffiti tags that take away from the clean and safe dynamic of the Downtown Yonge neighbourhood. Both the Clean Streets Team and private graffiti removal contractors are engaged by the BIA to ensure no tag is a permanent fixture on our sidewalks, walls and doors.

Sidewalk Pressure Washing
Downtown Yonge continues to pressure wash along Yonge Street, especially during the warmer months – we spot pressure wash public sidewalks and laneways regularly and carry out gum removal along Yonge Street annually. This maintenance schedule ensures that our sidewalks stay clean, safe, and walkable.
Report Card
We have adopted technology that assist in ensuring that infrastructure within the DYBIA neighbourhood are monitored and are in good condition. When an issue is identified (whether it be with assets ranging from decorative banners to pedestrian lights), a report is created and sent to appropriate agency or personnel for action. This allows us to track the number of issues and how quickly they got resolved.
Yonge Watch
Yonge Watch is a weekly e-newsletter for BIA members who are in operations and security providing all the latest information regarding street closures, construction notices, and anything related to safety and cleanliness in Downtown Yonge.